25 March 2013

Correlation Again

Reading this.

They point out that the percentage of murders committed with a firearm is increasing.  Still, the overall rate is down.  Five murders with a gun, ten with a knife in 2010 vs four murders with a gun, seven with a knife in 2011; there's still four fewer murders! (numbers pulled from my ass for comparison purposes).

They are literally citing the "gun death" that Weer'd points out all the time.

There were fewer murders this year, including fewer with guns, than last year. 
But a higher percentage of those murder were with guns!
Nope, not a compelling argument Mr Grabber.

They, correctly, state that there's not much evidence that more guns is causing the reduction in murders and crime overall.

What they are all missing is that there's a lot more guns out there in both numbers and percentages than ever before in Florida history.  YET THE CRIME RATE IS GOING DOWN!  What that most definitely indicates is more guns does not correlate to more murder or other crimes.  It MIGHT indicate that better armed citizens make criminals more reluctant to prey on them as well.

h/t Angrymike

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