31 March 2013


Cooking a turkey and having some friends over.

Easter has always been a friends and family day.

I just realized a bit of strangeness about my family though.

Great Grampa and Gramma were Catholic, pretty normal for Italians.  The only time I ever saw Grampa in church was when he was in his casket.  My Mom and aunt were/are atheists.  I thought The Church never let anyone out, like the mafia. ;)

I sometimes think that after all of the horrors of the run-up to Mussolini and what happened to cause GGramps to flee to America that his faith was shaken too much to pass it down to his children.  Especially when three of them disappeared without a trace.

However, Easter has always been a "get together" day.  A happy day.

Even if The Lovely Harvey cooks turkey and mashed potatoes instead of the more appropriate spaghetti.  She doesn't get the Chinese for Christmas tradition either.

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