25 March 2013


Child vaccinations have killed as many or more people than guns?

Are you fucking high?

Really you stupid dancing monkey: Are.  You.  Fucking.  High?

Two words I know you didn't hear every year during YOUR childhood: Polio Season.

Know, personally, anyone who's died from smallpox?

I know you didn't and don't because those diseases were eradicated vaccinations.

You mention 3 cases of autism against a body of 5000.  Check your statistics book, oh wait you probably cannot because you didn't finish high school.  I'll help.  That's 0.06%.  That's quite small.  I am willing to bet that if the real incidence of autism to the vaccination you're condemning was 0.06% we'd have a shit-ton more cases of autism than we do.  For 2009 that would be around 2,500 cases of autism out of 4.1 million children.  It really sucks to be one of the 2,500 but I think I prefer that to a epidemic of the diseases that we're immunizing for.

It's proving a negative, but how many children are alive because of those shots?  How many others didn't die from a child carrying the disease around because of those shots?

That whole correlation and causation thing keeps rearing its ugly head.  You allude to it when you mention that the drug companies have an interest in keeping those products on the market.  You compare it to tobacco.

Wanna know something?  There's not a single unbiased study on tobacco here in the US.  Every single one of them was funded either by the tobacco companies or by an anti-tobacco organization.  There is now so much misinformation about it, that it's impossible to make a meaningful decision.  Dammit.

One thing I know about actual science is when the data contradicts the conclusion, the conclusion is discarded.  Show me a tobacco study that didn't find what it was expecting, then we'll call your comparison apt.

Wanna know something else the drug companies have a vested interest in?  Healthy, happy customers! It means repeat business.  It means longer term profits.

When starting this rant I did some googling.  Want to know who else I found involved in the immunization schedule?  The government.  Not once in your tirade did I hear you ask if the vaccinations administered are the products the companies recommend or if they are the product that works at all and is mandated by law.

Uneducated dancing monkeys can shut up any time now.

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