18 September 2005


The absoulte worst part about my situation is that I cannot even cry on my wife's shoulder about it.

The Boy is fucked up. He's not gonna get better. I love him. His inability to learn and what that is going to mean to his "life" makes me incredibly sad.

I can't get sympathy about that from Harvey because that leads to a fight about me giving up. I don't want to fight, I want to have someone on my side about how sad I am that he will never be anything. Not a doctor, lawyer, executive, soldier, mechanic, politician, cook, janitor or ANYTHING. I will never have a moment where I will be able to say, "That's my boy!" chest swelled with pride. No, I get to be proud of acomplishments that most parents bore everyone around them with, when their kids are three. The Boy is almost 13. He still wears a pull-up to bed. He still can't talk intelligibly.

I feel like I have failed him, but what can I do?

I know that the local school system failed him, zero tolerance might work on someone who understands consequences, The Boy doesn't. If you threaten him, he forces the issue to see if you'll follow through. And then doesn't get it when the bad thing happens.

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