19 September 2005

Evil Capitalists

A lot has been said on the looting in New Orleans. I have something that hasn't been talked about.

What if the stores decide that they don't want to reopen? What if Wal Mart decided that the location was too risky because of the dual threat of looters and hurricanes? What if that same dual threat prevents any business from getting insurance?

I also want you to note that food stamps/ebt cards are for the welfare types to buy food from a for-profit grocery store, not a voucher to obtain food from the US Poverty Food Distribution Center.

If my neighbors gutted my house when I went on vacation, they sure as hell wouldn't be invited to the next barbeque.

How many years of profits were lost to looting? How many smaller business' will be plain shut down because their insurance just ins't enough to restart?

Even the mafia has this figured out, "Don't shit in your bed." I guess realizing that they rely on that business being there once the storm is over is beyond them.

I ask: If the stores stay closed because they don't want to be looted again, where are you going to buy food, dumbass?

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