21 September 2005

Kim Du Toit

Kim du Toit used to have a blog. He used to express his personal opinion about just about everything.

That blog is gone now.

Shortly after he started using the same logic as the people he opposed to support the opposition, he cannot obtain financial backing to run his own business. Oooops. Well, nobody will hire him because of the blog either. Oooops. Now the blog is gone and he has a day job.

But things ran fine until he decided that it was OK for the cops to blast anyone who ran from the police for any reason because a terrorist would run and shooting a terrorist would save lives. Exactly the "suspend rights for the children" rationale of the gun grabbers he opposed.

I was one of the people who tried to tell him that he'd crossed the logical Rubicon, but he wouldn't hear it. He was RIGHT you know. With every passing day he sounded more and more like the other side, and that had an affect I see.

Sorry Kim, but I tried to warn you...

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