20 October 2010


Ms Peterson has expressed that the background check required by the Brady Act has prevented some number of "criminals" from buying a gun.

John Lott Jr reminds me of false positives. ht Alphecca.

Well, Ms Peterson?  I was denied two years ago.

I am not a criminal.  I have never been accused of a felony, let alone arrested, tried or convicted.

I have passed two very stringent background checks to obtain my conceal carry permit and own a short barrel rifle.

Why was I denied in 2008?  A false positive.  Am I banned from owning guns because I was denied?  No. In fact I took possession of the guns I was denied on a few days later.  It was a system glitch.  It was a little unnerving, but I hear that it's not uncommon.

So those two guns are counted by you as preventing a sale to a prohibited person?  It's wrong on both counts, it didn't prevent the sale, only delayed it and a prohibited person was not involved.

This is why we mock you and your friends at Handgun Control Inc; or whatever you have changed the name to lately.

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