26 October 2010

Newb blogger questions.

When you read the gun blogs and start to frequent a few key sites you encounter some unknowns that everyone else seems in on.

The World's Most Dangerous Librarian has a prosthetic limb.  She's made it clear she's sick of people asking.  But lots of people seem to know how she came to wear it.  I came within one surgical procedure of wearing one myself, so I am intensely curious about it.

My near miss was from the Army where I had the misfortune of taking the quick way down off a tank and into a ditch.  I broke both tibia and fibula and messed up my ankles pretty good.  The left was worse and they didn't know if they could set it so that it would heal.  To stop me from making it harder the docs put me under general anesthesia.  The jarring part of this was the, "we might not be able to fix it, and amputation is generally the best way to go with this kind of break if it's as bad as it seems at present.  Sign here to give us permission to do so."  Gulp!  I was also told that I would likely lose 50 to 70 percent use of my right ankle.

When I woke up I still had lefty.  And two new casts.

That was 21 years ago in September.

I did the physical therapy.  I have 85% use of my right foot and limp on that side.  The left healed perfectly and the docs were very pleased about that.

Healing up means I can walk unassisted.  The VA graciously gave up a 10% disability for it and some vocational rehabilitation education.  It's a service connected disability, so the VA is supposed to pay for it.  I avoid them if I can.  There's someone who needs it more than I do, I am sure.

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