26 October 2010

HR 6240

This is a bill to get the State Department out of the business of blocking the return of US property that was loaned to foreign governments as military aid.

If this was made law, then the return of a large quantity of M1 Carbines and M1 Garands from Korea would be facilitated.  ODCMP should have these guns and, Gods willing the influx of these guns will drop the price of an M1 Carbine to something sane.

Call your representative.


  1. I wouldn't mind a well-priced good-condition Garand m'self!

  2. My Garand is in good-condition. I paid the going rate, which was not what I think of when I think "well-priced". I would love for it to lose value, then I could get another...

  3. I'd love to get my hands on a Johnson rifle, myself. I've been curious about those for some time, but the few I've ever seen for sale had price tags that made me feel faint.

  4. I've played with a Johnson. It feels wrong.

    The owner didn't have any reliability problems while we were there, but he didn't seem to be grouping well.

    Last time I saw one for sale it was about the same price as Garands are going for. Which is appalling.

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