18 January 2011


I am perfectly willing to compromise with the gun grabbers.

They want my guns to fire about 60 rounds per minute, cyclic.

I want a gun that fires 6,000 rounds a minute, cyclic.

I will compromise and accept guns that can only fire 1,500 rounds per minute, cyclic.

See how much I am willing to give?  I gave up 75% of my target number.

I'm so generous I should get a tax break.

1 comment:

  1. My own preferred compromise with the gun grabbers (and Drug Warriors and Army for a Sexually Abstinent America, but those are other rants) is about as follows:

    "Okay, here's the deal. You shut the f*ck up and get out of my face, and I, in my infinite wisdom and mercy, will refrain from beating your asses till your noses bleed buttermilk."


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