08 February 2011

What good that those do again?

If you don't have a carry permit, Florida has a waiting period of three business days when you buy a handgun.

Julie Schenecker, when she decided to kill her teenage children for "being mouthy", had no gun and no carry permit.  When confronted with the three day waiting period she simply bided her time and wrote a note saying that was just a delay to the massacre.

What difference did that waiting period make?  Perhaps, maybe, it bought those poor "mouthy" kids three extra days; but it didn't change Ms Schenecker's course one iota.

The sad truth is this sort of thing will happen regardless of the laws concerning the buying and owning of weapons.  Just look across the pond at Jolly Ol' England.

This is just another sad example of a gun law that didn't "cool off" a murderer and only inconveniences the law abiding.

1 comment:

  1. And that presupposes that someone bent on murder won't find ways around those laws...the black market, "borrowing" a gun, what-have-you.


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