03 February 2011

Now what?

A judge has declared Obamacare to be unconstitutional.  Until there's a stay issued or the decision is reversed by a higher court, it's legally dead.

President Obama has ordered the implementation to continue anyway.  That's illegal.  He's ordered that a not-law be enforced.

This is an example of "high crimes and misdemeanors".  Time for impeachment proceedings.

I am getting really, really sick of the courts saying that a given law is unconstitutional and then having the executive branch affected ignoring the ruling in any way they can.  DC still hasn't issued Heller a permit for his gun.  Chicago created a new system that creates a de facto ban to replace the de jure.  Now Obama just flat ignores a ruling he doesn't like.  It's extra irksome in that there are several legal means for him to continue implementation while it works its way up to The Supreme Court.  But rather than do any of those, he just ignores the judge.

Again, if the government starts ignoring the founding documents then the government forfeits its legitimacy.  This is pretty flagrantly ignoring how the system is supposed to work (and has been working for quite a few decades.)

What do we do about it?

1 comment:

  1. I seem to remember that when the states try that sort of thing vis-a-vis federal law (medical marijuana, school integration, etc.) the Feds come down on them like ugly on Janet Reno. Maybe some turnabout would be fair play?


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