23 July 2012

What About Islam?

I see that a couple of atheists have decided that the Aurora shooting was related to the shooter being a Christian.

First, it makes them look like idiots.

Second, it reinforces my belief that an atheist in America is simply an anti-christian.

When you are silent about what Islam is up to in the world and emphasize the tangential relationship a murderer has to a given Christian church; the bias is clear.

Wanna see how your game looks from the outside?

Mao was an atheist. Pol Pot was an atheist. Hitler was an atheist. Stalin was an atheist.  Therefor YOU are responsible for millions of deaths.  What?  You claim that you didn't do anything?  You say that atheists as a whole did nothing?

Balderdash!  You are every bit as responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths as any given Christian by your very own rationale.

See the mistake you're making yet?


  1. Just a comment. There are atheists (I'm one) and then there are anti-theists, or as I call them, Big "A" Atheists - the evangelicals.

    The difference is subtle. One does not believe in a supernatural Creator, the other devoutly beileves that no such creature exists and insists that everyone else must also believe the same.

  2. Near as I can tell it's not subtle at all. There are people who don't believe there's a God (us) and there are people shouting from the rooftops they don't believe in God and that Christians should be thwarted from all happiness.

    Who remain studiously silent about things that Buddists, Jews, Moslems, Zoroastrians, Polytheists, Shinto, Animists, and Vikings are doing... Just hate them Christians.


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