18 April 2013

Why Are You So Fucking Happy

What was defeated yesterday were amendments to the bill that will be voted on today.

Several of those amendments made that bill BETTER for us (in the sense that the shit sammich would have 20% less shit on it).

This bill is still alive and it's not time to rest on our laurels.

To the phones!


  1. I'm happy because Fineswine got her ass handed to her. Today we should put this to rest for a while. At least until the next nut-job does something stupid.

  2. I sometimes forget that the people reading this don't get the context of my ranting.

    A friend was talking like it was all over forever since those amendments were voted down.

    I went off on her here rather than to her face; and likely confused the heck out of people who already knew what was going on.


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