24 February 2015


Tam Posts

Gun laws may now be as lax as they have ever been in my lifetime.

Being a December baby I just missed being able to mail order a Solothurn from my crib.  Oddly, I had the money from the baby shower...

However, even if the gun laws have never been more lax in my lifetime, I don't really have to look back all that far to see that they aren't as lax as they've ever been.

Prior to 1968, to order that Star Modelo B I would have just mailed them the check and they'd have mailed me the gun.  Today I have to use an FFL and a common carrier.  The only reason that I could have it shipped straight to me is that I am an FFL and it was a Curio and Relic eligible gun.

I collect .25 ACP pistols.  This sort of gun has never really been much made inside the US.  There were many designs from several nations all importing their wares into the US market until 1968.  Many of those pistols remained in production for decades more.

Did you know about the Glock 25 and 28?  Not sporting enough for importation.

However gun laws STILL aren't as lax as they've ever been in my life, I can also remember when you could get complete parts kits from overseas for any number of military arms less the serialed receiver.  You didn't need to worry about how many parts were foreign made as long as it wasn't an NFA item of some kind when you were done and that your receiver was US made.

I can remember when you could take that parts kit and make yourself a genuine selective fire gun from them.

Until I moved to Florida, the gun laws were heading basically one direction with just the occasional holding action but never a reversal.  And moving to Florida was merely going someplace the ratchet hadn't advanced as far as Iowa.

FOPA was the only reduction in Federal gun control in my lifetime for about two thirds of it.  Although I can't readily think of a single repeal of any Federal gun law outside of FOPA.  AWB expired and I'm pretty sure that if it hadn't had a sunset clause it would still be law today.

But...  The states have been reducing gun control in leap and bounds in the past ten years.  The courts are ruling, in our favor and using the standard model for the second amendment while also generally applying strict scrutiny.  That's a huge positive!

I have hope that by the time I die there will be considerably laxer gun laws in this nation, I even have hope I will live to enjoy it.

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