19 June 2014


I figured out why my knee jerked about the condemnation of the Open Carry Texas people.

Bill Ruger.

Bill was pro-gun, just ask him!  He owned a company that made guns, how much more pro-gun can you be than that?

Except he didn't think that unwashed civilians had any need for a gun they could hide or for more than ten shots. shots than ten. (Better?)

It was "pro-gun" folks like him that made getting concealed carry such a damned slog for so many years.  Look at the map and notice how many years pass where nothing changes.  Lost years because we kept own-goaling ourselves.

It was when we started speaking with one voice that progress begins to pick up speed and becomes an avalanche.

We're no longer speaking with one voice when it comes to open carry.

There are those who'd use the (proven) LGBT model of "we're here, we're queer"; those who prefer quieter and more subtle open carry demonstrations (like the FL Carry fishing events); those who are happy with the status quo and CCW and those who are actively opposed to open carry.

I checked.  Many of the same voices condemning OCT are those same people who disliked open carry all along.  To their credit, they're consistent; but this isn't really a reaction to a strategic marketing mistake by OCT but a confirmation of their biases.

Like Bill Ruger they don't see why anyone would need to do what they desire to do and oppose it as a bad idea for everyone.

They feel vindicated because OCT did make a strategic mistake in the way they demonstrated.  I personally don't oppose what they are trying to achieve, but I see now that they may have been going about it the wrong way.  Pay close attention to those condemning them and see if you don't notice they oppose the goal more than the method.  In the long run, those people really aren't on our side; like Mr Ruger.


  1. "for more shots than ten."


    1. Yes?

      Is it what I said or how I said it?

    2. I have heard the "more shots than ten" thing an awful lot in the Disinformation Cowpath, except, you know, Ruger sold pistols that held more than ten rounds.

      Damn Bill "No Honest Man Needs A Handgun Smaller Than A Canned Ham" Ruger all you want, but damn him factually, please

    3. I thought that I was!

      His intransigence about selling magazines for the Mini-14 that held more than five lends credence to it. With credence I totally forgot P-85.

      Stupid Thag!

    4. They sold the factory 20 rounders in Oshman's in '85.

    5. I only have my own lying eyes and zero documentation about attempting to order 20 and 30 round magazines after '92. I was given to understand that after x date it became a cop item but there were mags out there from before that date.

  2. And if you will recall, Ruger paid a hefty price for Bill's crap. It took them a lot of years to overcome the customers dislike for what he had done. I know I went a lot of years without buying anything Ruger. S&W Did something similar and it took them a while to recover too.

    1. As for the whole open carry thing. I think a lot of it is being blown out of proportion. I have open carried a few times, but generally I conceal. Both sides need to tone it down a bit. The only way they are going to get open carry of handguns in Texas is through their Congress. It's going to take a lot of intense lobbying to get it done. I remember it took us 3 or 4 years to get shall issue passed in Iowa. We did it without making a spectacle of ourselves.

    2. The last wave of CCW benefitted greatly from the spectacles that went on in the states that broke the ground for them.

      Iowa did not take "3 or 4 years" to get shall issue. It took almost 13 from when I gave the fuck up on writing my worthless congress critter and headed to Florida (18 years from my FIRST letter). My fatigue with the gun rights issue centers around it taking more than a decade of me demanding something before there seems to be enough others that something moves.

      In Iowa I don't think I'd ever want or need to open carry. The weather there that is charmingly referred to as "summer" is a cool autumn day to my Florida acclimatization. I find this hilarious because if I am not mistaken Iowa allows open carry with a permit. Down here it's freaking HOT. I'd really like to be able to wear lighter clothes during the peak heat seasons.

    3. The 3 or 4 years was in regard to the formation of Iowa Carry, now Iowa Firearms Coalition. Getting people organized went a long way to advancing the fight.

    4. What's the next move for IFC? NFA?


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