11 June 2014


Without official guidance for decades, I made shit up about how hyperspace looked in Traveller.

I'd decided that you had to point the ship at the target world then hit "go".

The stars blueshift into black.

Then there's black.


Hyperspace is held inches off the hull and it's black.

A catamaran shaped ship with windows facing towards each other on the inside cannot see to the other hull.

Emergence is similar.

The stars reappear redshifting to normal and you're back in normal space.

Looking at the black is disturbing to most intelligent species.  The mind tries to put something in the black.  Rarely does the mind go to a happy place to fill the black.  People can and have gone insane staring into it.

Everyone but the Hiver.  When asked they reply, "There is nothing there.  Why should someone worry about nothing?"

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