22 June 2014


The NRA is a massive organization.

Such creations do not turn on a dime.

The nature of this inertia means that sometimes an opportunity to do something small is missed but will save time and effort down the road.

I am willing to bet there's a whole department's worth of folks there who look back at those moments saying, "if only..."

I means that they kind of have to already be about something before it becomes an issue.

I freak out from time to time because the NRA is not an NFA organization.  They don't oppose NFA items and think they're neat like I do; but it's not what they're mostly about.

I want them to be more of an NFA org.  I fervently believe that if the NRA was a lot more active about it, then this whole thing where NFATCA and the rulemaking all went wrong.

NFATCA isn't a big enough gorilla.  The NRA is.  If they'd take the job.

Even as I type that.  Even as I want them to.

I wonder...

Should they?

It's nothing to cancel my membership over.

The only NRA thing we've cancelled here is The Lovely Harvey cancelled her subscription to The American Rifleman because I get it too and she wasn't really reading it.  Let them save the printing costs.

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