18 June 2014

I've Got Yer Solution Right Here

Reading this.

The libertarians are correct.  As long as you are harming nobody but yourself, you can ingest, inject and inhale anything you want.

Here, I'll repeat the pertinent part, in bold and underlined.


Every evil about drugs the author goes on to list is about harming others and the libertarians agree with him.

What's really wrong is looking at legalizing drugs without changing anything else in the laws.

I've mentioned some of what needs to happen.

Anything you do while stoned becomes premeditated.  First degree.

Kill someone while high; no longer manslaughter but first degree murder.

Hit someone with your car while drunk who lives (and even recovers from their injuries); no longer negligence or reckless driving, but attempted first degree murder.

Punch your spouse while jacked up on crack; no longer domestic assault, but attempted first degree murder.

Pass out at the wheel and take out a parked car; no longer reckless driving, but malicious destruction of property.

Felonize driving without a license.

See how this works?  And since alcohol is just another drug now, same penalties for drunkenness.

I agree you can't just legalize drugs and declare problem solved.

Unlike the libertarian anarchist ideal society, my idea would require a government; making me a statist bastard.

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