15 June 2014

High Standard Of Training

From time to time the gun grabbers mention making training mandatory for owning a gun.

This bugs me because the only people who'll get the training are those who are planning on buying a gun.  In some places the training is only available to people who are in the process of buying that gun.

So a list could be made of the people with training and that should lead to gun owners.

I don't like that idea.

I do like the idea of people learning better how to use something with the inherent risks carried by firearms.  It's prudent to learn more about how they work and how to use them!

How to separate getting schooling from being a gun owner and that being a de facto registration?

It's in the first sentence.


Everyone learns it.

Every year from K-12.

Your high-school diploma would be proof of training.  Give a tax break equal to your GPA too!

It'll never happen, but it's amusing to consider.


  1. Same with my idea that your NICS status be on your driver's licence/ State ID. You can only get the status changed by the courts, so the courts would simply claim your old ID and replace it with a new one reflecting your recent felony conviction (tho as far as the licence it concerned, it just say you CANNOT pass a NICS). There, DONE! Everybody can do a background check at every gun sale. Also there is no "Down Time" for the system. No back door registration.

    And the antis hate it, because they could care LESS about background checks. What they want is the registration.

  2. We did do riflery in high school gym, my senior year. My classmates were agog at how well I could shoot. Considering that I had the only letter jacket in school that was thickly festooned with marksmanship awards from the NRA, I don't know why they were so suprised.

    1. I lettered in Biathlon when I was up in Blaine. Taking my rifle home on weekends on the bus so I could practice would be unheard of today.


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