26 August 2017

Confused Again

Joe Arpaio was convicted for profiling Latinos to see if they're illegals.

OK.  In Arizona, are you going to be finding many illegal aliens who aren't Latino?

Bet they don't get many German illegals there.

One gets the sneaking suspicion that the case was easily proven because of an unbalanced outcome.  See, he's discriminating because all of the illegals he's catching are Latino!  Never mind that there probably aren't all that many non-Latino illegal aliens in Arizona.

But that's just a shallow, knee-jerk assessment of the news I skimmed about it; not a detailed analysis.

But I tend to stand by my rule of thumb that if the New York Times don't like someone, they can't be all bad.

In reference to the pardon, worse people have been given pardons by better presidents.


  1. He made the mistake of publicly enforcing a Federal law that Obama and his clique didn't happen to like.

  2. As I understood it, he was convicted of ignoring a judge who told him to stop. Hence "contempt of court" not "profiling".


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