14 August 2017

Ordered To Not Interviene

In case you were ever curious if Officer Friendly will happily obey orders to violate your Constitutionally guaranteed rights

Well, they sure won't protect you from someone attempting to keep you from exercising your rights with violence... will they?

I hate to break it to the cops, but your job is exactly to get between two opposing factions and stop them from fighting it out.  It's your job to protect the people who went to the effort of getting a permit to express their Constitutionally protected right to peacefully protest something the government is doing.

Until you failed, and let the Antifa counter-protest (by the way did they get a permit?) into striking distance of the racists legally expressing their opinion, it was peacefully done!

Even if you were ordered to not do your job you've failed.

That makes the biggest scumbags at an event noteworthy for being full of scumbags, the cops; if indeed they were obeying orders.

By the way, obeying orders is not a defense when human rights are in question.

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