07 September 2011

Incite to Violence

Take Two.

Jimmy Hoffa (yeah I thought he was dead too) has called for violence against the Tea-Party.  He did so just before President Obama took the stage.  President Obama hasn't said a peep about it.

I fear that things will get interesting now.

I also fear that the police will choose "brotherhood and solidarity" over doing their jobs; since they are widely unionized.

I don't think the media will honestly report on instances where a union member instigated the violence and was killed in self defense.

Interesting times indeed.

1 comment:

  1. I have one thing to say to him on this point:

    "Bring it."

    And the days when the mainstream media could impose a blackout on news they didn't like, or slant it exclusively in their preferred direction, are over and done.


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