13 September 2012

Mid Course Update

Kilted to Kick Cancer 2012 is almost half done and three of you have generously contributed a total of $40 through my link.

I cannot offer you bribes like Jay G; but can we at least get to $100 for me?

Prostate cancer is a little personal for me, it was what got my Grampa Howard.  Well started it.  The prostate cancer spread to his pelvis and when that got weak, it broke and then it just took off and got everywhere.

Marv's step-father died from it.  Holly was a solid, fine man and should not have had to suffer such an indignity.

And don't forget the dear departed Acidman.  While he was a survivor of this cancer, I can't help but think it had a lasting effect on his health and mental well being.

There's nothing that says you have to donate only the one time.  Donate early, donate often.

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