16 September 2012

They Hate Us They Really Hate Us

It is time to accept, just like we've accepted it from the media, that there is nothing we can do get Islam to like us.

They hate us for who and what we are and will forever.

Even complete capitulation will not make them like us because they will hate us for what we once were.

Since the hate is everlasting and everything we do offends them, I say we stop trying to avoid offending them.

Bacon and alcohol consumption is now REQUIRED at all diplomatic functions with Islamic nations.

Don't like it?  Tough shit.

Every suicide bomb and IED gets a JDAM into the Black Mosque.

Don't like it?  Hey, I didn't start this fucking war.

We tried to be nice, we really did, and if it weren't two things your stupid medieval ways would not matter even one whit.

First is oil.

Second is our own damn honor system where we don't just steal the oil from you.  Gods if we'd just let the Brits alone to run the place like they'd been doing...

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