20 October 2013

Childhood Nostalgia

In general it's a bad plan to buy the DVD of a television show you loved as a child.

When you were five it was great because you didn't know much.  When you're 40+, it's crap and your memories had filled in things to maintain the illusion that it was better than it is.

Land of the Lost and Dungeons and Dragons are two such for me.

Both have moments of greatness, but overall they're kids shows with nothing really for an adult.

They really put how much better children's programming has gotten fairly recently.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is an example that gets trotted out often in this vein, there's enough content that an adult can latch onto that the parents aren't driven insane by high-rotation play.  This is probably a great example because there's an earlier My Little Pony that I think my have broken marriages and cause orphans.

I suspect that DVD's are the reason that the content has improved.  When I was a kid the adults only had to endure Saturday morning every week of kid's programming.

What brought all this to mind was I noticed that iTunes has Space: 1999.  I loved that show when I was nine!  I even had the three foot long Eagle toy.

Dare I skewer childhood nostalgia again?

1 comment:

  1. Don't open that door. Through it lies only pain and heartache.


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