30 October 2013

Wallet Voting

Christopher Titus has a new special out.

Mr Titus broke the Dancing Monkey politics rule so this will be the second of his specials I have not purchased.

I used to be a fan, and he is funny, but he supports things that I don't; so I'll be damned if he'll get a single cent from me.

Clearly, my support doesn't affect him in the slightest, more's the pity.

Too many people keep buying from the Dancing Monkeys who insult and oppose them.  They keep buying the albums, going to the theater and purchasing the Blu-Rays.

It sometimes seems like people are condemned prisoners buying stock in the drug company because they make the lethal injection drugs.  Because PROFIT!



  1. We all, you and I both, enforce our Pro Freedom Purity Tests haphazardly, because it is impossible to know the opinions and policies of every company, celebrity, and corporate CEO or board member out there.

    BTW, you know that Lauren Faust donated thousands to Obama For America, right?

    1. MLPFIM plays under the Jolly Roger just as well as paying for it. In fact it plays better because you can get it all at once and not in twelve extortionately expensive sets that still don't have all of season three.

      Dancing monkeys fuck with me, the internet fucks with them.


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