16 October 2013

Two Things

First, that didn't take long.  Way to cave Boener; we knew you would (technically he hasn't yet, but we all know it's coming.)

Second.  The Senate originating budget bills is unconstitutional!

Article 1, Section 7.  "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills."

We are talking about taxes here not just spending, so the senate is supposed to wait and vote on what the house puts out.

Since the supreme court has ruled that the affordable care act is a tax, and it originated in the senate, that makes it unconstitutional.

Not that we can get our worthless courts or useless mouth breathing voters to notice.

1 comment:

  1. I kept saying that at work, ppl looked at me like I was speaking French, it sometimes sucks not being ignorant........


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