06 October 2013

Old Reviews

John Carter is in the rotation on Starz.

I checked out some reviews and am struck by one.

They called the story "derivative".

Yeah, like Gandalf is a rip-off of Dumbledore.



  1. "Yeah, like Gandalf is a rip-off of Dumbledore."

    Oh, golf clap! :)

  2. I know what you mean. That said, someone who's been exposed to this stuff for years and years might find it predictable, even though when it came out, it was new and SOTA. Kind of like how I've known people who'd read fantasy for years finally getting to Lord of the Rings and not being blown away by it the way people were when it first came out in paperback.

    1. "Derivative" has a meaning. That meaning is not "dull" or "similar to stuff I've already read."


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