14 October 2013

Shit Just Got Serious

And I don't think a lot of people will register HOW serious.

Seen in DC (h/t Robert):

Just in case it goes memory hole:

"I was just following orders." 
-not a defense at Nuremberg.
You have a legal obligation to evaluate the morality and legality of all the orders you receive.
YOU will held responsible some day before God, humanity and (hopefully) courts of law for all orders that you carried out.

This should scare some people.  They've no idea how serious this part of what soldiers learn is.  No joking around.  The lead in film didn't have any cheerful mnemonics or catchy tune.  It was taught us with solemn gravity.  It stood in stark contrast to so many other topics taught.

For someone to remember and post this means that patience is nearly exhausted.

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling that the memory hole isn't working very well today. 24.2kB isn't very much data any more.


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