19 September 2014

He's Lurch Not Satan

Rick Scott might not be a great governor.

He isn't.

The problem Charlie Crist has going for him is he has already been governor, and he wasn't a better governor than Rick Scott.

Running ads telling me about how awful Mr Scott is when I am aware of how bad Mr Crist was... Doesn't work.

Especially since many of the dings that the various organizations against Governor Scott cite, are things that Governor Crist signed into law.  Oops!

The most damning thing Mr Crist has against him is he was a Republican when he was governor, a republican in the primary for a US Senator seat, then an independent when he lost that primary and now he's a Democrat to be governor again.  All in the short span of four years.

It pissed me off when he kept the campaign donations from his senate run that were garnered before there was a primary challenge.  I wager that many of those donations were intended for the Republican candidate in general and not specifically for Charlie Crist.

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