09 September 2014


From: http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_1054_20-famous-stereotypes-that-are-statistically-b.s./
In 1970 the census said there were 203,392,031 people in the US.  The 2010 numbers state 308,745,538.

If 1/2 of households had guns in 1970 and 1/3 have them in 2010 that means that the number of gun owners stayed pretty steady at about 100 million households.

I posit that the reason we're seeing this steady state isn't because the percentage is getting smaller, but that gun owners are less likely to admit they own a gun than they used to be.

I certainly would be reluctant to admit it on a survey and I post pictures of my guns to the internet!


  1. Also they forget HOW people own guns today. Back in the 70s concealed carry was essentially illegal in most of the country, and in places where it was legal relatively rare. (That's where we get questions in May issue states like "Have you been threatened" or "Do you carry large sums of money". Most of the people packing back then in the few places you could were people in dangerous vocations, and merchants or wealthy people. Hell my Father in Law grew up in Vermont where carry has ALWAYS been legal, but he only tucked his Model 66 in his pocket when death threats started pouring in from clients he represented as a criminal defense lawyer)

    Also most people who DID own guns owned them for hunting. It was only recently that politicians stopped courting the 2nd Amendment by shooting at ducks and deer.

    While guns later labeled as "Assault Rifles" are great for sporting, people back then preferred blued steel and walnut for their guns, so when the federal AWB came about in the 90s many gun owners supported it because it didn't threaten THEIR guns.

    Today we have 50 states of Concealed carry, and the amount of permits these states are issuing are the highest ever. Hunting is in relative decline, while most shooters today gravitate to self-defense and action-shooting. "Tactical" is the marketing gold for selling guns, over "Sporting" ( hell all those AR and AK "Sporters" were just ways to expand the limited market of those rifles.

    People have woken up to the fact that the Second Amendment is about shooting PEOPLE, and people who do things that open them up to be legally shot are waking up too!

  2. Unfortunately all my guns were lost in a tragic canoe accident. They really should do something about those dangerous canoes.


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