18 September 2014

I Just Noticed

There's no difference between a screen shot taken with a slide-show like frame rate and one running seamless and smooth!

No real sense of action.  But you can see the wingtip vortices triggered by pulling some G.  The studied eye can even see that the tail-planes are down and a slight roll to starboard is starting.

I yo-yo'd over the top and rolled in behind this MiG-17 "Fresco A".

It was something of a turkey shoot because his flight was low on gas and basically had to hope I had run out of ammo or something since he couldn't spare a drop for maneuvering.

It also demonstrates the need to stick with your section!  If he'd had a wingman I might not have been able to tuck in with impunity like I did.

You may also notice that this is the fourth plane I've had in this campaign.  I get target fixated a bit and forget to check-six!

PS, it's really hard to get good action shots in this game because you have to do them as you're playing.  My mind tends to be more on the flying and less on "this would make a perfect Kodak moment!"

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