13 September 2010


Talking with Brett last night and I am struck that so few books on guns or ammunition give any sort of context about their development.

Like how John Moses Browning (pbuh) was working hard on a .41 caliber round for his next pistol design when the Army asked for, "like that, but in .45 please." The M-1911 could have been in .41 ACP except the Cavalry felt that it wouldn't reliably put a horse down.

Perhaps how .38 Special is a "magnum" version of the .38 Long Colt? And that .38 caliber was considered "too much is more than enough" because .32 was all you really needed to stop someone.

Even more rare is how "what is already in the inventory" affects both ammunition and arm decisions. I've had people deny the effect, but if it's not true why are there no .276 Garands at the CMP?

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