03 September 2010

Shooting Lefty

I practice wrong-handed for about 1/3 of my shooting. It's good practice for if your good arm stops working for some reason.

My biggest problem, I can see, will be getting the gun out of its holster and not the controls being set up for a right hander. All of my holsters are strong side, strong hand carry. Especially the pocket holsters.

Manipulating the safety wrong handed is the hardest part, because I am assuming no right hand to use. It requires holding it a bit wrong, but it's not too bad with the 1911 or P238. Those are the hardest guns to work left handed for me. Reloading the revolvers is irritating because the swing-out is sided.

Not a single semi-rifle I have is hard to operate lefty because they are all two handed guns anyway. The bolt guns, that's where the suckage really starts.

Bottom line: Learn to operate your firearms with the wrong paw! It could save your life.

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