30 October 2011

I Would Be A Failure As An ATF Agent

This evening there were two largish dogs harassing a neighbor walking her 10-15 lb dog.

They were doing the lunge in and nip at the smaller dog and trading off when the lady would confront one.

These two dogs have been seen running around the neighborhood off and on for a while.

I grabbed the 6.8 and my wife got their attention and we got them off the lady and back towards us.  Both dogs were barking at us, but no bared teeth or growling.  So I just put the dot from the Aimpoint between the eyes of the closest one and waited.

I don't think I needed to shoot, so I didn't.  I am getting sick of two things here.  First; I am sick of people not taking care of their animals properly.  Second I am sick of the government response to being informed of illegal activity.

It's against the law to let your dog run without a leash or tags.

Wanna bet that the cops would come out for shooting a dog, where they won't come out for a loose dog?  And we had to call the cops because animal control works hours that make the bankers jealous.

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