04 October 2011


Something that doesn't get mentioned in the abortion debate much is that virtually every woman contemplating an abortion has already made a choice.  Choosing to have sex.

There are varying degrees of "oops I'm pregnant" that fall from that decision all the way from, "I didn't think it would happen to ME," to "the birth control failed."

I don't think I would have an opinion about it one way or the other except for a couple issues.

First, a woman can force me to become a child-support paying father.  Yes, there are consequences to recreational sex, but all of the decision making rights are squarely the female's.

Second, the people I know who've had abortions are people I think would be good at raising a child and generally the reason for getting the abortion is financial.  Can't afford prenatal care let alone raise the child financial issues.

The solution to those, honestly, is to not have sex unless you can afford to be a parent.

Third, the vast majority of the people who I've seen who flatly refuse to consider an abortion are exactly the people who shouldn't be raising kids.  They certainly aren't paying for them, taxpayers are.  And so will be their grandkids and great-grandkids and so on.  At least one felony conviction per generation, many arrests.  Substance abuse, domestic violence... you name it.  By the way, guess what this group's opinion about birth-control is.

I am sure that many of my friends who are parents would also never have considered abortion, but I never got the feeling that, maybe, they should not have kids.  Never thought to ask them, "are you going to keep it?"  I guess if you don't raise any concerns about your ability to raise a child by the way you live your life nobody confronts you on the abortion issue, huh?

So, I am pro-choice.  Choose to keep it in your pants.

1 comment:

  1. Very good point. I absolutely love the nature of your logic, calling out the false premise that pregnancy "just happens," as if all pregnant women are victims of circumstances beyond their control. A few actually are, but very few. And yet for many reasons, I'm ambivalent, and I (very narrowly) come down on the side of keeping abortion legal. There are simply too many variables.


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