08 October 2011

A Challenge


Those guys have a chance to impress me.

A chance to prove that they are not just a group of people who blindly hate Christians.

They can start suing to have the victory mosque in Pennsylvania stopped.  Religious symbol; check.  Public land; check.  Public money; check.  Anti "religion" protestors and organizations?



<tumbleweed rolls past chirping cricket>

Searching their site for Mosque gives no hits about it.  Searching their site for Pennsylvania gives no hits about it.

The mosque search did give an article complaining about how it was a school violating the first amendment when a local mullah invited the students to pray during his appearance.

They complain a great deal about prayers at lunch.

Hits on mosque had LOTS about how the Catholics are putting evil religion everywhere.  BWHAH?

This is not atheism, folks, this is anti-Christianism.

We also do not live in the dark ages.

Here's a first amendment test for you.  Does a cross on top of a water tower prevent you from not believing in God?  Does it force you to believe in God?  Does it force you to attend services on Sunday?  Does it make you (or pretend to) pray?  Are you forced to live in a particular part of town reserved for unbelievers?  Do the faithful refuse to do business with you because they don't see you in church?

If you're going to really, really start banning religion and its symbols you have to start based on the behavior of the worshippers and not just on a particular symbol.  You're going to have to start banning sports and sports fans from using public funding and property.

Teh evol Xtians really aren't hurting you except in your insecure mind.  The problem is not external.  Seek help.

I grow tired of having to point this out all of the time.  I am an atheist.  I am not harmed in any material way by religious symbols.  I am harmed when the place I live is forced to fork over massive legal fees to fight the accusations of bigots with a grudge and nothing better to do.  You know what?  I live here, you don't and it's clear I get the whole freedom and liberty thing better than you do.

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