11 October 2011

Who owns the commons?

Who owns the property in my town?

Does it belong to the residents?

Does it belong to the county?

Does it belong to the state?

Does it belong to the nation?

Who decides what becomes of that property?

If the city decides to sell the property to a business, can another city courting that business forbid the sale?

Can the city rent the property to a business?

Can the city sell to a church?  Can a church rent it?  Is the church's leasing of that property an endorsement of that religion by the city or an endorsement of the money?

How many objections to forbid the sale?  50%+1?  20%?  1?  Must everyone in town unanimously agree to everything the city does?

If placing a cross on top of a water tower is a violation of your first amendment right to freedom of religion; does your anonymously bringing in an out of state organization violate my sixth amendment right to face my accuser?  If indeed anyone local was involved in the objection to the cross.

That 6th amendment thing is important.  I put forward that FFRF or ACLU have no standing to complain about the symbols in public spaces unless someone from the political subdivision complains about them.  Meaning it has to be someone who lives HERE who brings the charge.  I also put forth that no such person complained; that the organizations in question took it upon themselves to rid me of the scourge of religious symbols (that are always Christian symbols for some reason).

I ask, where was our complainant was when the council met to decide if they would allow a privately funded and maintained symbol be placed on the water tower?  Did they raise an objection?  Did they wait even one election cycle before complaining to outside entities?  Did they even bother to vote for the city council?

If you refuse to inform yourself of the activities of the people who are elected in your name; you have no right to complain they do things you don't like.

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