04 October 2011

Debate About Killing ATF

Talked about by Joe and Sebastian.  Check out those links, and be sure to check out this too.

I am caught betwixt them.

One advantage I can see in giving the enforcement powers to the FBI or Marshals is they are not regulatory agencies.  They'd just be enforcing the regulations rather than generating them so, hopefully, we'd see a lot less post-facto rules making.  Maybe even get consistently applied rules.

1 comment:

  1. Another advantage, as I pointed out at Sebastian's, is that the FBI would not be relying on firearms crimes as the primary reason for their continued existence the way BATFE does. They simply wouldn't have the motivation to focus on pushing for more laws and playing games with the current laws, and would actually have stronger motivation to tread carefully, since firearms law has become politically sensitive ground.

    They already have lots of politically safe territory to use for growing their budget, why would they risk irritating any of the people holding the purse strings?


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