23 October 2011


I am getting extremely sick of being let down by the same people over and over again.

I had a friend (note that past tense there) who wants to buy a gun.  She used to live around here, but now lives just outside of Indianapolis.

I wondered if, perhaps, the mighty Tam would be willing to allow her to show up at the blog-meet they often have in Broad Ripple and see if someone there would answer her questions and give advice.

Tam answered my email with an affirmative!

All would have been fine had my friend shown up.

I don't think this is a big deal to Tam.  I hope it's not.

It's a big deal to me.  I was asked for help and I found a way to get it to her.  Then she blew it off because of yet another manufactured crisis in her life.  She is constantly taking on responsibilities that are not hers to the neglect and detriment of her friendships with others.

I feel as if I asked Tam to go out of her way to help my friend and she didn't even have the courtesy to call me before she was to arrive to tell me that she wouldn't be going.

So, Pam Frederick, you've disappointed me for the last time.

PS, she's all unarmed in Pittsboro if anyone is interested.

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