Here's the deal.
WIth registration, the government now has a list of all the guns registered and if you are caught with a gun that isn't you're going to jail.
If a future government decides to ban firearm ownership, they know where to find the registered guns.
If we left it there, it would be theoretical.
Time and time again, the registration lists precede the banning then confiscation of firearms. Most of the governments doing the banning have been less than savory. Quite often the government doing the banning is not the government that put the registration in place. The classic example here is Weimar Germany requiring registration and Nazi Germany banning.
I think a damn good rule of thumb for a government is to ask, "Did the Nazis ever do this?"
California and New Jersey both banned guns that had previously been subject to registration and used the registration lists to ensure compliance. Isn't Pelosi from California?
With a track record like this, why would an honest, law-abiding, gun owner be worried about registration?
Oh, and registration does not stop the sort of tragedy they say it will. Thomas Watt Hamilton murdered 17 people with three registered handguns. These murders were the justification to change registration to banning and confiscation in Britain. While there hasn't been a mass murder like Dunblane since, murders in general are on the rise. Even if the government doesn't go Nazi on you after the gun ban, you will still be less safe. Criminals, by definition, don't obey the laws.
When you counter-point the British experience with the US one it gets even sillier for Ms Pelosi. The US is adding MILLIONS of guns to private hands every year. Yet our murder rates are declining. MANY MORE guns and fewer murders. Conceal carry has gone from a novelty in a few states to being nearly universal; crime rates fell.
The "wild west" scenario never happens. (By the way, Dodge City, Kansas in the "wild west" days was much safer than south central Los Angeles today. Look it up!) Gun control in the old west was non-existent and crime rates were much lower than today, we likely have a perceptual problem because the old west criminal has been romanticized so thoroughly.
29th-Jun-2009 11:04 pm (local)
Part of what bugs the hell out of me about those people is their track record of negotiating in utter bad faith----either that, or their instant amnesia about whatever they asked for last time being "the last thing we want, honest and truly, cross our hearts and hope to die!"
There's only one way to deal with people who take the attitude that what's theirs is theirs, and what's yours is...negotiable. Do they really think we don't notice how we give them something, they go away, and five minutes later they're back asking for more, more, more?
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