The article says most of the points, I think.
I beg to differ on one small point, this movement really started under Clinton, not Bush. The Congressional change in '94 was an attempt to reverse the power consolidation that had been happening since Hoover.
When the Republicans did not do things much differently from the Democrats is when the movement really started to get traction, and that WAS under Bush.
2nd-Apr-2009 08:09 pm (local)
I would say, myself, that things like the Federal government making highway monies (as already approved by Congress) contingent on things like motorcycle helmet laws, the 55-mph speed limit, and no-booze-under-age-21 were abuses of its authority...but, as usual, I find myself very much in a minority.
That said, the Feddle Gummint has been feeling its oats for quite a long time, and IMNSHO needs to be slapped down hard.
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