17 January 2012

Cop Or Soldier?

I did pretty good. Found in Jennifer's head.

1 comment:

  1. 16 out of 21, for me.

    Did you find this one as disturbing as I did? That's supposed to be a cop, but is that a friggin' anti-tank rocket strapped down next to him? (FYI, that's why I got that one wrong.)

    As for the rest, a few were "gimme's" (you could see their badge or the sheriff's star on a patch, one I recognized as the Guerena murder, and another you could tell was Marines because of their hats), and most had some sort of clue, but you did have to actually look to figure it out. On one, I could only tell because their nametags were embroidered in gold instead of a military colour.

    It's disturbing how difficult it was to tell, sometimes.


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