03 January 2012

HR822 Doesn't Buy _ME_ Much

However, I want that little bit.
Pic generated from US Carry.


  1. Buys me an assload as I live right in the middle of that sea of red, and I hold 4 valid permits currently, and I wouldn't mind non-renewing 3 of them.

    Wouldn't mind dismissing the idea of a permission slip to exercise an enumerated right, but I'll take what I can get for the time being!

  2. It would buy me several, but the only ones I would probably travel to are MN and WI*.

    * Oddly, according to that map, Wisconsin will honor Virginia non-resident permits, but not Virginia resident permits.

  3. This map only shows who honors a Florida resident permit.

  4. I should clarify - I went to the website and looked at the map for who honors Virginia permits.

  5. Oh! That makes less sense then. I wonder why their maps shows that for the VA permits.


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