18 January 2015

SIG Brace

OK, now can we start demanding the NRA start putting some of it's mass against the NFA?

Not even demanding Hughes be nuked, just to eliminate the BS that is SBR?


  1. +1 SBR and SBS were only created because the initial wording of the bill also included blanket registration and taxation of handguns, so there needed to be a VERY clear distinction between "handguns" and "Long Guns".

    Now down the rabbit hole, if I want to put a shoulder stock on a Ruger Charger that needs a $200 tax stamp, but I can buy a Ruger Alaskan .454 or a S&W .500 Magnum with no additional paperwork or fees.

    Further everybody and their mother makes a .410 Pistol these days, and they put nominal rifling in them because they HAVE to, I see no reason why Short Barrel Shotguns are relevant anymore either.

    The Hughes sucks too, but that's a different battle for a different day.

  2. "OK, now can we start demanding the NRA start putting some of it's mass against the NFA?"

    Are you sure they're not?

    1. No, I'm not sure. I also don't know where they stand on the 41P bullshit. Nothing but silence from them about anything NFA except the occasional report that there are things like 41P.

      If they're on it, I'd like them to say so.

      However, the whole reason for this post, and maybe you've encountered them too, is the people who say we shouldn't waste the NRA's political clout on lost causes like NFA because we're NEVER going to get anywhere with it because machine guns.

      I started noticing them right around when I spent my first $200 to make an SBR and there were rumors that SBR and silencers were going to be taken out of the NFA. Then there was Virginia Tech (I think) and suddenly it was, "don't make waves, don't draw attention to us!"

      During the entire 41P fiasco it's been much the same. Spread too thin as it is, don't make it worse... Or, my favorite, "this is exactly how we got 41P in the first place!"

      I am frustrated! Now these same people are all "GO GO GADGET NRA" now because of the SiG brace and ATF finally gored an ox they care about.


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