15 October 2017

Interesting Perspective

Read this.

It reminds me that I have wondered how many people died in the Pulse Shooting while the cops cordoned off the area then did, essentially, nothing for more than an hour.

People who would be alive today if an immediate assault had been attempted, because their treatable injuries would have received medical care instead being left to bleed out on the floor.

It reminds me that you can't claim the mantle of being a hero if you cower behind cover while others are in the line of fire sacrificing themselves.

To be a hero you have to do something heroic.

Nobody has ever gotten a Bronze Star with V, Silver Star, Navy Cross or Medal of Honor for being in the rear with the gear.

Lots of guys have gotten them posthumously.

Being a hero can get your ass killed.  Accept the danger or stop using the title.

Officer safety should not be, "I'm good, fuck everyone else."

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