12 October 2017

MOAR Tin Foil Please!

I am having a thought...

I should just let it go...

It occurs to me that Bump-Fire stocks getting allowed by the BATFE, an agency which is traditionally hostile to gun owners, during the Obama administration (no friend to gun owners) might have been an attempt to play the long game to get semi-autos banned.

Did you notice the speed which Feinstein and her ilk had a bill "addressing" the problem ready?

I am sitting here and wondering why ATF would approve something which so clearly does what it does with a Democrat sitting president.

It makes me wonder.

Were they hoping for someone to go nuts with one sooner?


  1. You are confusing constant stupidity with successful long-term planning by a federal agency.

    1. Twice a day, the time matches the stopped clock.

      Every once and a while, the stupidity aligns with the brilliant.

    2. It is a government clock, you are giving them too much credit :)

    3. Even Army clocks are right ONCE a day.

  2. I have to agree with McThag... I think that while most of the anti-gunners operate from the point of ignorance and stupidity... there are a few of them that are playing the long run game. Whittle things away over time...

  3. If you think Obama era ATF approving bump stocks is odd, have you seen Black Aces Tactical's "firearm" (not a shotgun) that was approved in 2014? It blew my mind.

    1. Mossberg and Remington are making similar not-shotguns now too.


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