18 October 2017

Pasty White Comic Book Guy

Every comic fan has an obscure book they love that never quite made the mainstream.

Marvel's Black Panther was mine.

Publication was spotty and the stores only carried it on subscription or intermittently.

I was introduced to the character because I'd made a character in Champions with a lot of visual similarity with Black Panther and similar powers.

In no way was the background similar.

I've noticed, lately, that there's some people who're locking up about Wakanda being an advanced technological nation in Africa.

First: Comic Book.

Second: Given.

A world where people accept, without question, that a teenager can be bit by an irradiated spider to gain abilities similar to an arachnid; can't accept a nation in Africa manages to escape colonialism and thrive?

We're getting to the point where I almost have to coin the term "geeksplain".

Of course, I readily grok why Vermithrax shouldn't be called a dragon; but Drogon should.  Do you know why?

Related:  The Hobbit fucks this up too.  Smaug should have four legs and two wings.  How do I know?  The bloody author of the book included a picture!  Right there on Thorin's map.

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