11 October 2017

NRA Bashing

I'm on the installment plan to a life membership.

I'm frequently upset with the NRA for not throwing their considerable weight around on issues that I'd rather they supported strongly.

Not so much so as to hate them.  I did that once, I'm over it now.

They frustrate me a lot.

They often don't step in on important court cases until someone else has them won, like the Second Amendment Foundation.

But they do one thing great, take the heat from the gun-grabbers while SAF is winning in court!

I can see, if not a team relationship a symbiotic one with the NRA and the others.

The NRA is pretty good at getting butts elected.  They're not good at peering into the souls of souless creatures like congressmen.

They're often quite good at seeing what way the wind will blow long before the wind-sock shifts.

I'm disappointed that they signaled a willingness to ban bump stocks, but they did it in an odd way.  Suggesting, much like I did, that we should have ATF take another look at them.

We need to look hard at the NFA now.

SIG-Braces don't exist in a non-NFA world.  It's a stock for a short-barrel rifle that's not a stock so we can call the SBR a pistol.

Remington Tac-14's don't exist in a non-NFA world.  It's very carefully proportioned to not be a Shotgun, Short-Barreled Shotgun or an Any Other Weapon yet still remain a Title I firearm.  It's a sawed-off shotgun that's not at sawed-off shotgun.

Bump-Fire stocks don't exist in a non-NFA world.  It makes a machine gun that's not a machine gun.

All three examples looked carefully at what the law says and made items which conform to the letter of the law, while raping the spirit the old way, dipped in resin and rolled in ground glass.

If I'd had my druthers the NRA would have put it's weight behind fixing the NFA a long while back.

I recall when FOPA was fresh news and the recommendation that the poison pill of the Hughes amendment would be fixed later and we should let it ride for a while otherwise we'd never get anything.

31+ years later and I am still waiting on anyone to even suggest we could get 922(o) removed.

I'm getting kind of old here.  Waiting.

That's why I am taking the position that if losing bump-stocks is a fait accompli, then we should get something out of it for a change.

Like national CCW reciprocity.

Like removal of 922(o).

Like removal of 922(r).

Like passage of The SHARE Act.


Come back with your shield or on it!  FIGHT!

Personally I prefer the SHARE act to national reciprocity because the local carry laws will dictate how and when out-of-staters will be able to carry and states like NY and CA will fuck us every chance they get for every slightest infraction.  Much like they fuck us on the free-travel portion of FOPA already.

1 comment:

  1. I share your frustration. NRA can be a little too FUD for my taste, but they also do some important work and are sort of the front line even if as you note, some other groups may do a lot of the heavy lifting.


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